Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm Back!

Hey guys, 
So I know it's been FOREVER since I last blogged, but so much has happened! Well, let me first start by saying we just purchased our first home.....yay us! Let me take that back, we purchased our first home in January and we moved in, in February so thats what I've been dealing with. It's was a lot trying to move especially with a small child....LoL! We are finally getting settled in, but not completely. 
Life is a little bit different for us right now, but we are adjusting ok (at least I think we are LoL). I really am not a fan of moving because it's so much packing and unpacking. I'm the type of person that hates to redo things, so having to unpack and redecorate is driving me up a wall.......ahhhhhhhhh!!! #icant 
Ashton of course loves his new house and I love that he loves it here. It's more space and a yard all for him to run wild in. I had to redo Ashton's bedroom and at first I was upset, but now I'm kind of happy about it because now I can make it more so for a growing toddler. Oh by the way, speaking of a toddler my little man will be one very soon! I'm so excited and sad that by baby is growing up and he is no longer going to be a baby! 
I have so much planned for his 1st birthday, but I'll save it for another blog entry. I just wanted to catch up with you guys and check in. Talk to you guys soon and have a great night! 


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ice cream for babies :)

Hey guys so I tried something new for my son yesterday and I wanted to share it with you guys! 

 We were having ice cream and of course Aahton wanted some, but I didn't want him to eat what I was eating so I decided to make him a dairy free, but yet a yummy frozen treat, so I did! I made him his on ice cream/sobert or sherbet if you will! I used two simple ingredients and it was simple and fast! Ashton loved his frozen treat and I loved that is was healthy and yummy!!!!  Hope you guys enjoy! 

Here's what you'll need: 
*3 tablespoons of Gerber juice (or any juice of your choice) 

*1 frozen banana (or any frozen fruit of your choice)

*baby bullet (or food processor) 

Xoxo Lauren 

Monday, January 13, 2014

Essential bath oil salt :)

Hey guys so I know I'm late on posting the last DIY spa day project and I'm so sorry! My day was very busy Friday and it just continued through yesterday! I hope you all had a beautiful weekend! Well, as promised here is the last diy project! Hope you guys enjoy and if you would like me to post more diy projects just comment below and let me know! :) 

Choose Your Own Essential Oil Bath Salts


Bath Salts are another personal beauty product that I can’t live without. Not only do they contain magnesium and sulfates (which the body needs) that are absorbed into the body, they also relax muscles and promote a sense of peace and well-being.
What you'll need:

¾ cup Epsom salts
¼ cup baking soda
4 drops of essential oil* of your choice (lavender and eucaplyptus are relaxing choices)
     Xoxo Lauren 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hair/body oil! :-)

Hey guys! Thank God it's starting to warm up just a little here on the east coast because I don't know how much more of that super duper cold weather I could take! :) Well, as promised  here is the fourth DIY pamper me project. 

It's a hair oil that I use on my body as well when I feel that I may need some extra moisture. You can decrease or increase the measurements as you please and you can substitute different oils that you may prefer over the ones I use. It's all up to you so experiment, have fun, and enjoy! 

What you'll need
*1/4cup of coconut oil 
*1/4 cup of jojoba oil
*1/4 cup of  grape seed oil
*1/8 cup of almond oil (optional) 
*4 drops of vitamin E oil ( optional) 
*4-6 drops of your favorite essential oil ( I use lavender, optional) 
* one clean dry container ( I use a misto spray bottle) 

Combine the coconut, jojoba, and grape seed oils ( and the almond if you're gonna use it) in the container and then put the cap on and shake lightly.
Remove the cap and add the vitamin E and essential oil of your choice. Place the cap on the container and shake very lightly. Store in a dry place. 

Tip: if  you store your oil in a cold place your coconut oil may clump so if it does just take the top off the oil and place in the microwave for 10 seconds. Repeat if necessary and be careful not to melt the bottle. 

Enjoys Guys :) 
Xoxo Lauren 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Banana Face Mask :)

Hey ladies so if you live in the Midwest or on the east coast I hope you all are staying warm! :) Well,  as promised here is a face mask that I found online that I absolutely love. Be careful because I know some people maybe allergic to bananas. Only use this mask if you believe your skin will be ok. Hope you guys enjoy! :) 

What You’ll Need:
1 ripe banana
1 teaspoon of honey
1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup of Quaker Oats rolled oats (optional)

In a bowl, mash up the banana, removing any major chunks. Add in 1 TSP of honey and 1 TSP of fresh lemon juice. Mix together, apply to clean skin. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes, rinse off. Do not save any leftovers. Make a new batch each time you plan to use this mask. *If you choose to add oatmeal for more soothing properties, mix in 1/4 cup of rolled oats and let them soak in the mixture for a good 10 minutes before applying to the skin.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

DIY Coffee Scrub :)

Hey ladies! So can we talk about this weather on the east coast  for a minute because it is ridiculously cold!!!! :( Well, as I promised I wanted to share two new scrubs, but these are body scrubs (yay). One is a coffee scrub and the other is very similar to this almond scrub I buy from Walmart , so you can only imagine how happy I was when I found it!! ;-) So try them both and let me know what you guys think!!!!! Hope you all enjoy and if you live in any of this foolishness called weather remember to wrap up.....Stay warm guys! :) 

Here's what you'll need:

Coffee Scrub
  • 1 cup ground coffee (any that you like, I used regular coffee, no special flavoring)
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp fresh ground cinnamon (this is what really topped it all off for me, I used a coffee grinder to pulverize 2 cinnamon sticks…but you could just use ground cinnamon from a jar too)
Blend all of these ingredients together in an airtight container, (I used a mason jar w/ a screw top lid -it is pretty and will look nice sitting in my bathroom or by the kitchen sink)
Use: Massage scrub over clean, damp skin; rinse and pat dry (you might want to use a little soap when rinsing if you don’t want too much oil left behind on your skin).
The scrub will keep for 2 months if kept in a cool, dry place.

DIY Coffee Scrub
 Here's what you'll need for the other scrub: 

    Cinnamon-Almond Sugar Scrub
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup olive oil
  • 1 tsp cinnamon extract
  • 1.5  tsp almond extract
  • 1 tsp fresh ground cinnamon (or from a jar, whatever is easiest for you)
Mix together in an airtight container and scrub on all over your body whenever you want that ‘spa-at-home’ pampering treatment. 
DIY Sugar Scrub

 ENJOY LADIES!! :) Xoxo Lauren 

Monday, January 6, 2014

DIY Lip Scrub

   So last year I was super obsessed with being this awesome mom. I was so obsessed with my son I never took time for myself because like a nut I thought taking time for myself would make me a bad mom. 
Well, I'm now much wiser and I now know for me to be an awesome mom I need to take time for myself to relax so I don't let the frustrations of the day make me crazy.
All this week I'm going to post some DIY projects so when you're enjoying your me time, you can do it with one of these lovely projects.
This is a lip scrub I found online that I tried and I really like it. You're suppose to use it twice a week and these are the things you'll need! Hope you enjoy :) 

  • Sugar: 1 tablespoon
  • Honey: 1 tablespoon
  • Olive Oil: 1 teaspoon
  • Vaseline or Shea Butter: 1 teaspoon (Coconut oil and jojoba oil are also good alternatives
  • 1 small container

Friday, January 3, 2014

Making New Friends :)

             Ok, so when I was childless it seemed as though I had a lot of friends who were mothers, but now that I am a mom I only have a few mommy friends. I know plenty of women that had babies this past year, but I only hang out/talk to about two maybe three of them on a weekly or even monthly basis. I wanna make new mommy friends, but I don't want to be weird. I feel like I'm in high school all over again because there is the single ladies crew, the dating grew, the married childless crew, the single mommy crew and then there is the married mommy crew.....whew!  When I was pregnant I thought that I would automatically be whisked into this secret moms club LoL. I wanna make friends with other moms and have play dates, but I have no clue where to go to find these other mothers. Hopefully new friends will come along eventually. If you guys have any helpful tips I would really appreciate them.


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

        Well hello 2014 and goodbye 2013. 2013 was a pretty amazing year for me. I was blessed in so many ways, but the biggest blessing of them all was my little nugget. So since I am  a first time mom I kept trying to figure out if we should do our annual "lets bring the New Year in church ordeal" or lets just stay home because Ashton isn't super young, but he's not that old either. Well, after hours of thinking about it we decided to go to church. Church was wonderful, but someone was in a horrible mood on that long ride home :( Anyway 90% of our new year was awesome. How did you guys bring in the new year? Be blessed and have an outstanding New Year!

                                                           HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

