Friday, January 3, 2014

Making New Friends :)

             Ok, so when I was childless it seemed as though I had a lot of friends who were mothers, but now that I am a mom I only have a few mommy friends. I know plenty of women that had babies this past year, but I only hang out/talk to about two maybe three of them on a weekly or even monthly basis. I wanna make new mommy friends, but I don't want to be weird. I feel like I'm in high school all over again because there is the single ladies crew, the dating grew, the married childless crew, the single mommy crew and then there is the married mommy crew.....whew!  When I was pregnant I thought that I would automatically be whisked into this secret moms club LoL. I wanna make friends with other moms and have play dates, but I have no clue where to go to find these other mothers. Hopefully new friends will come along eventually. If you guys have any helpful tips I would really appreciate them.


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